Her demonic Angel: and other short stories

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9 reviews*

Price**: $20.95
Book cover image for Her Demonic Angel: A Collection of Short Stories






Bad Language
Sexual Content
Drug Use
Short Story
Young Adult | Adult


Her demonic Angel and other short stories, published in 2016, is a collection of all of my short stories written thus far. This baker's dozen of short stories have been written in a variety of genres so hopefully there should be something for everyone. Some tales are stranger than others, but all could be said to be different shades of dark. Despite its somewhat suggestive title, Her demonic Angel is not erotica.

To whet your appetite, here are the titles of some of the short stories: ‘The boy they called Dragon’, ‘The day nobody gave a damn’, ‘An email from Jane’, ‘Stuff’, ‘Getting rid of the enemy’, ‘Skin’, ‘Too beautiful’, ‘Philately will get you nowhere’, ‘Mirror, mirror’, ‘In memoriam'.

Available in Kindle, paperback, and audiobook editions.

Other titles by the same author:

* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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