Author Profile

Martin Kukk-Grønbjerg

Country: Denmark
1 follower


You can see yourself going down a road when you come to a crossing. One road has a sign saying “True Story of Dracula (Hardcover)” the other has “True Story of Dracula (Kindle)”. You cannot make up your mind which one to take. The hardcover version is meant for the ones who really want the experience to go along. Whereas the Kindle edition is for the ones who really do not care about the attributes but value the text, how it has been written and whether it is a good story. The hardcover version has a lot more graphical images than does the Kindle. The graphical effects that are applied to the hardcover version make you want to continue. On the Kindle it has no aura.

About Martin Kukk-Grønbjerg
Martin Kukk-Grønbjerg was born in 1989 in Estonia. He has Estonian citizenship but has a Danish father. Since at the time of Martin’s birth, His father was a diplomat they have moved around quite a bit (Estonia, Russia, Sweden and Denmark). Martin became an author as a result of the passing of his mother who died of cancer in 2006 after seven years of illness.


You can see yourself going down a road when you come to a crossing. One road has a sign saying “True Story of Dracula (Hardcover)” the other has “True Story of Dracula (Kindle)”.


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