
The following represents all books currently listed within the genre, Marketing:

Book cover image for Deceit of Angels
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For nineteen years, Anna Stevens perseveres with a faithless husband in a marriage that destroys her plans to go to university and follow a career.

When Anna escapes to Bristol to work for Jason Harrington, the attractive and wealthy owner of Harrington Rhodes Shipping Agents, she has finally made the decision to leave her husband and make a new life for herself.

But Anna has told Jason that she is a widow and when she and Jason fall in love, Anna finds herself trapped in her lies. When her estranged husband finds her, Anna must pay a devastating price for her deceit - a price that would have lasting consequences for herself and the man she loves.


88 reviews*

**Price: $0.99

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Book cover image for The Trade Show Chronicles: Everything you need to succeed at exhibitions in a unique novel
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The only novel to put you in the shoes of an exhibitor, teaching you about trade shows and providing practical solutions to boost your ROI The Trade Show Chronicles offers you all the tricks of a good exhibit strategy. Become a trade show expert while reading the story of Andrew, a young salesman organizing his company's booth at an exhibition. Learn about planning, budgeting, promotion, booth staffing, lead capture, results tracking and much more. Don't miss out on this great adventure! You won't get long checklists or theories - the Trade Show Chronicles is full of directly applicable tips and very concrete suggestions. Event management can be easy - learn while entertaining yourself. What trade show experts say about The Trade Show Chronicles: "If you want a different way to learn best practices for an exhibitor; planning, managing (tasks and people) and executing with efficiency, take a journey through a clever narrative that is packed with real-life situations, issues, and personalities. Enjoy and learn." Matthew Hill, President, Expert, Trainer| The Hill Group "The Trade Show Chronicles is a relatable guide that provides crucial information that will help even the most seasoned planner cultivate an impactful trade show program." Trevor Lewis, Experiential Marketing Strategist | Skyline "This is a complete masterpiece from A-Z for everyone who plans to exhibit. It is an amazing journey. You want to be an event pro? Then do not miss this book!" Rauno Ramo, Trade Show Business Consultant | Event & Exhibition Subcontractors World Wide


2 reviews*

**Price: $12.08

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Book cover image for Customer Experience in Modern Marketing
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Customer Experience Management in Modern Marketing is a dynamic approach to the co-creation of value....


1 reviews*

**Price: $21.59

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* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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