Author Profile

Julie J.Anderson

Country: United Kingdom
1 follower


Julie Anderson is the CWA Dagger listed author of three Whitehall thrillers and a short series of historical adventure stories for young adults. Before becoming a crime fiction writer, she was a senior civil servant, working across a variety of departments and agencies, including the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. Unlike her protagonists, however, she doesn’t know where (all) the bodies are buried.

​She writes crime fiction reviews for Time and Leisure Magazine and is a co-founder and Trustee of the Clapham Book Festival.
She lives in south London where her latest crime fiction series is set, returning to her first love of writing historical fiction with The Midnight Man, published by Hobeck Books.


Gripping historical crime thriller 'The Midnight Man' set in 1940s London, the first in The Clapham Trilogy. Available from Amazon, Waterstones and the Hobeck website and all good book shops.
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